Tax Declaration and Disclaimer

Last Update: February 2024

The XERA Platform ("Platform") is an internet-based digital service that offers Users insights into rewards, benefits, or commissions derived from their engagement in the services provided by multiple third-party partner services, referred to as "Third-Party Partner Websites”

By using the services offered by the Platform and Third-Party Partner Websites, you acknowledge that any rewards, benefits, commissions, or compensation received through your participation may be subject to taxation in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction of your residence. You are solely responsible for understanding and complying with the applicable local tax obligations applicable to you.

The Platform and its Third-Party Partner Websites do not assume any liability or responsibility for Users’ tax payments arising from the rewards or benefits obtained through the services we provide. It is your responsibility to determine with a qualified tax professional or financial advisor whether any taxes are applicable to the rewards you receive and to fulfill any necessary tax reporting and payment obligations.

Users acknowledge and agree to seek advice from a qualified tax professional or financial advisor in your jurisdiction to ascertain your tax liabilities accurately. Tax regulations and obligations vary by region and country. Therefore, it is crucial you ensure the fulfillment of all applicable requirements.

Be aware that tax laws and regulations are subject to change by jurisdictions. The responsibility to stay informed about any changes that may affect your tax liability lies on each User. The Platform and Third-Party Partner Websites are not responsible for notifying you about alterations in tax laws that could impact your obligations.

By using the services of the XERA Platform and its Third-Party Partner Websites, you acknowledge and agree to the above-stated terms regarding your tax obligations and responsibilities.

Please note that this tax declaration is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Users are strongly advised to consult with a qualified tax professional or financial advisor in their jurisdiction for accurate and personalized guidance regarding tax obligations.

We do not endorse any specific tax strategy or interpretation of tax laws.

Any decisions you make based on the information provided are made at your own risk.

Last updated